Gender Pay Gap Reporting 2020
John Nike Leisuresport Ltd employed 320 members of staff on the snapshot date (5th April 2020) therefore the relevant Gender Pay Gap Reporting calculations have been made and are supported here by this narrative. As outlined in the legislation the Gender Pay Gap Reporting data and narrative are published on the government website and also our own website.
John Nike Leisuresport Ltd consists of 5 sites, 4 of which are ski slopes and the fifth has both a ski slope and an ice rink. When recruiting and promoting staff we believe we pay staff according to the job they are doing and not according to any personal characteristic, including gender. We see Gender Pay Gap Reporting as a really useful exercise to enable us to check our fair pay culture has not changed.
Gender Pay Gap
On the 5th April 2020, of the 320 members of staff employed by John Nike Leisuresport Ltd 187 were men and 133 women. Regulations stipulate that if a company employs 250 members of staff or more the following statistics should be calculated:
- Mean Gender Pay Gap (Difference between mean average hours earnings of males and females.)
- Median Gender Pay Gap (Difference between median average hourly earnings of males and females.).
- Mean Gender Bonus Pay Gap (Difference between mean average bonus earnings of males and females.).
- Median Gender Bonus Pay Gap (Difference between median average bonus earnings of males and females.).
- The Proportion of Males and Females Receiving a Bonus.
- The Proportion of Males and Females in Each Quartile.
As at the 5th April 2020, our mean gender pay gap (including all staff i.e. full and part time) stood at 3.1%(favouring females) with our median gender pay gap being0%. In 2019 these figures were 4.3% (favouring males) and 0% respectively.
Our 2020 figures show that our mean gender pay gap is smaller than in 2019 and the difference in pay favours females. Furthermore, once again our figures show that based on the median average (which is the calculation favoured by the Office For National Statistics) there is no gender pay gap at John Nike Leisuresport Ltd.
At the snap shot date in 2019 we employed 136 women and 178 men, the figures for 2020 (133 and 187 respectively) show that over all we have slightly increased our staffing levels. It remains the case that more men than women are employed and the difference between the groups has increased from 42 to 54. As with the previous three years the sample size is large enough to ensure that the results of our calculations are significant. Therefore, we can be confident that on the snap shot date of 5th April 2020 there was no Gender Pay Gap within John Nike Leisuresport Ltd.
For comparison to the national figures, the most recent figures from The Office for National Statistics(published on the 3rd November 2020)showed that the gender pay gap among all employees in 2020 stood at 15.5%. (They also report that overall, since 2017, the Gender Pay Gap between men and women in the UK has been slowly decreasing which is positive.)
John Nike Leisure Sport Ltd does not currently operate a bonus scheme and therefore there are of course no figures relating to bonus payments to be reported for 2019.
Our figures for gender distribution by quartiles (as defined by the regulations) show that although females remain significantly underrepresented in the upper quartile there is also a significantly higher percentage of men in the lower quartile. However, whilst our staffing levels are large enough to require these statistics to be calculated, they are of a small enough size that relatively small adjustments to staffing levels in each quartile can result in a large effect on percentage calculations.
Lower Quartile: Female 36% Male 64%
Lower Middle Quartile: Female 60% Male 40%
Upper Middle Quartile: Female 38% Male 63%
Upper Quartile: Female 33% Male 68%
Overall our results for 2020 have not changed significantly from the previous three years in that the average pay gap between our male and female members of staff remains so low that we can assuredly say there is no Gender Pay Gap at John Nike Leisure Sport Ltd. However, for the first time we have found that the slight but insignificant difference in pay favours women. Our results from 2020 reaffirms our belief that our staff are paid according to their job and not their gender.